What was. What is. What must be.
Some can live all.
I can only live one.
What is.
Don't make what was more than it is.
What was is is, but if it is no longer, then now it never was.
Don't make me a monster. The one who spews poison and fire at your very soul.
A monster can love. Just cannot feel the love it felt once upon a time.
It is a vague memory, bitter to reminiscence.
Bitter to the once precious gold, now decayed and mouldy.
It was a one way with only one destination. One does not regret a path they journeyed with joy and happiness.
I must go at once. Or be engulfed in this coming storm.
But be assured, I have yet to say all. But know this:
I am just a monster.
What is left behind on the contrary, is what it wanted to give to the world.